Sunday, January 10, 2010

21 Days...

Lets see... what can be accomplished in 21 day?

Maybe reading a book or two (depending if you read as slow as me or not), putting a few quality Wedding Sample Albums together , a handful of amazing crafts, but specifically, most important... days, hours and minuets that can be spend in quality time with God.

Today in church, Pastor Bret gave us a challenge, not only as individuals but as a church whole... Fasting, 21 days to be exact. During his teachings we learned that fasting is not only specified to Food or consumption but that it is something that you set aside that you enjoy, and have a right to, for a period of time for the expressed purpose of spending time with God. Yes of course the tradition for of fasting is going without food and only liquids for however many days God places on your heart, but there are so many other things that you can cut out of your life for a period of time and use that time to focus on him.

This will be my first time fasting, Ive always wanted to experience the joys of fasting and go at it full force, but for 21 Days, im not sure I can survive without food. So it took me a while to figure out what to cut out of my daily routine. If I was going to do this I was going to do this right. I thought to myself, maybe I will cut a certain food item out, but honestly... I dont eat a routine diet or have an addition to coffee for that to mean something to me...because another point Pastor focused on was that if it isnt important to you, its not important to God. If you already don't eat breakfast and choose to fast the breakfast meal... that's pretty much cheating, lol.

So I have come to a conclusion.. and I am going to write it down on here, so YOU can be my accountability partner in making sure I take part in these vows...

Starting tomorrow, as cheesy as it sounds, I will be starting my Media Fast. I will not partake in Facebook for 21 days as well as setting aside an hour of each day, turning off all media (Computer, Tv & Phone) and focus in God's word, worshiping him and listening to him. I have no doubt that this isnt going to be the easiest.. Its going to be hard to switch the casualness of checking my FB on my phone to deleting it for 21 days... but I know that during this time and the final reward is going to be so much more.

So, if I may request... keep me in your prayers. Not only for will power to not "cheat" but that in the end God will have moved through me and will bring our relationship closer than before. Pray for the others taking part in this, for they all have something that may be important to them but are giving up for God.

One last thing... I now challenge you.. Can you give one, two, three things up for 21 Days? If so, join me!!!

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