Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jackson Greer

Two months ago Michele and I started planning this photo shoot! I were so excited about it, mainly because were family and we NEVER get to see each other.  I was so excited to see her and Mr. Jackson, since the l saw him he wasnt even able to crawl, and now hes running!! Due to rain (on multiple occasions and last minuet reschedules) we were finally able to get a date down, after the 4th attempt!! It was a Tuesday, so an early morning on my end, but I managed to bribe my grandma into coming with me for car pool and to see Michele and Jackson :) We met up at the Palace of Arts in San Fransisco.  It truly amazes me how close I live to all these amazing structures and have never been to them!! It was so beautiful there, and might I add a beautiful day (God must have had it planned ;)) We started off there then walked across the street to the beach.  We were able to grab a few shots at this point, but Jackson was ready for his nap (and he let us know it!!), so we kept it more candid than posed!  I am so happy that I got to spend a few hours with my family at such beautiful locations.  This little one was so into everything that we even had by standers trying to help get his attention.. As I was trying to get Jackson to look at me and not the ducks this one lady was about 2ft behind me yelling.. "Jackson! Jackson, where's Jackson? Look here Jackson!" or even a local on the beach clapping two sticks together!! It was a fun day full of laughter and great memories!! Next time, let not do work ;)



Here are some cute outtakes of Mommy and Jackson and some of Mommy doing EVERYTHING she can to get the PERFECT Pictures :)

Chuckles and his Chick-lings {Dorcich}

8th Grade... baggy backpacks, bell bottom jeans, bushy eyebrows and brown lip gloss is how I can describe me in the 8th grade.  Today's 8th grader is a completely different description, mainly because of course fashion has changed.. but still I NEVER looked like these 8th Graders, when I was there age! This shoot started out as Madeline's 8th Grade Graduations Portraits which turned into a mini family session as well.  It was fun to catch that "Dorcich" personality :)

Meet Madeline.. edgy, sweet and sooo photogenic


Chuckles and his Chick-lings...