Friday, September 18, 2009

Foto Friday and Birthday Bliss

This weeks picture is in honor of our beautiful birthday girl... Nicole Taylor Sullivan.. Happy 1st Birthday!!! One year ago we got the call.. Amber was in Labor. Being the most impatient person EVER... I sped over to the hospital only to sleep on in the lobby for hours waiting to hear more news, but I wouldn't change that for anything :) After many hours and family arriving, later that day we welcomed baby Nicole Taylor Sullivan into the world!! The picture above is the first time I held the precious one.. I was such a proud auntie!! Honestly.. Love at first sight!

Its unbelievable that a year has already gone by, the first crawl has already happened, the first words have been spoke (Hi, Mom, Dad... etc)and the first steps have begun.. I cant wait to experience your next first Nicole.. know your auntie will always here for you.. usually with a camera in hand. lol. Here are a few favorite pictures I was able to capture for Nicole's 1st!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Adventures to Neverland...

Mariposa is not only legendary to our family but a very special bond started there with some of the most important boys in my life.. "The Lost Boys". Yes taken from the very memorable movie Hook, these boys have nick names as each of the lost boys do on the movie. Its like their own little family, a fraternity you might say. It all started back in the early years of High School.. on a church "End of Summer Bash" trip.. and its only grew since that trip. They take it very seriously on who takes part in their group... even special initiations happen!! They recently designed a crest and now each of us have sweatshirts and shirts to represent the crew... Proverbs 17:17 (A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity) reads across the back under the crest. Back to Mariposa.. we have had many camping trips there over the years with family, friends and just the Lost Boys.. but this trip was memorable for many reasons. We were playing around with camera exposures by the fire pit and lighting pieces of wood on fire then taking a long exposure while moving the stick all started out with one letter.. then we thought.. hey if we get 8 people we can spell Lost Boys.. so attached is below is a video and under that is the final photo product of the video...

Were pretty excited of our long exposure.. it pretty much in a nut shell describes these boys to a "T"

...until next time boys...