Friday, August 21, 2009


I follow a good handful of my friends blogs and my best friend Amber posted something about a month ago that struck my interest... and yes Im going to steal her idea..its okay I talked it over with her.. ;)

Foto Friday
- noun
1. Gives one a chance to look back on past and present photos.
2. Memories.
3. Lets you finally explain yourself for that 'one time'

So here's my 1st entry for Foto Friday......

3 words... "Spice Girls Concert"


AMBER said...

I LOVE IT! I also love that you "talked it over with me", you can copy ANY idea of mine, thats what friends do! I love it! Love this pic, good memories! Love you besty i really do!!! <3

Lauren said...

This is amazing! And I love the spice girls. Haha! :)
Oh, this just made my night!!!