A friend of mine works for the company that is doing the remodel of the San Jose Airport, and once a month he goes out and documents the progress of this. So yesturday and today I geared up in my MBI Hardhat, yellow and orange safty vest and a good ol pair of work boots!! Yah, I never thought id be that outfit either..lol.. but we actually had a blast! We had security clearence pretty much throughout the whole airport. Yesturday we were in the construction zone for the new terminal and today we were in the new parking garage as well as in Terminal A... we even got to go onto the runways.. I was in utter awe!! Unfortunatly I didnt get to be behind the camera, I was the assistant recording the data of the stuff Nick was photographing.. but all in all it was fun.
The best part...I was able to cross one of my "Things To Do" OFF my list... walk on an airport runway... CHECK CHECK :)
You're cute! CHECK CHECK!
This all safety equipments are really very crucial for safety point of view. They all are easily available and as easy to use.
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