If you were to look in Websters dictionary under Silly, Lovable, Creative, Beautiful, Sweet or especially Mascot, you would find the words Allee Goble. This girl is so full of life, always up for any adventure!! When she came to me asking if I would photograph her for her Sr. Portraits I was so excited. We packed up the car with 3 bags full of clothes, shoes and accessories and prayed to God that my antique chair and 6ft ladder wouldn't fall/get stolen out of the back of the truck and headed on our way!! After an hour of laughter and smiles we called it a wrap.. Enjoy Allee, I'm so proud of you on your graduation and am excited to see where God is going to take you during your next stage in life!
Word cannot describe how much I love this little family, and how excited I am to meet baby Emily Marie!!! William and I grew up together, but ever since he met his beautiful wife Lauren, we've all grown closer together!! Lauren is one of my dearest friends, and is truly a blessing in my life, they both are! I cannot wait to see this amazing couple raise Emily!! I have com to Lauren and Will many times seeking advice for almost anything and everything, they are such a grounded couple, truly living through love, I can guarantee that I will be seeking more advice when it comes my turn to be the parent... cause this dynamic duo are going to be AMAZING parents :) I hope you enjoy these few shots I was able to capture of their little family!!
As I venture into the "Working World" I am going to try and document all that happens along the way: vacations, important decisions, and most importantly Photo shoots!!