There are many choices you have to make when you change from a child to a teenager to finally an adult. What school am I going to go to. What do I want to do with my life. Who will I marry. Where will I live. And the most heart wrenching one.. who am I. All these questions not only help answer the way of life you will live, but how you will grow as an individual. How you will carry yourself and how others will perceive you.
My heart and my head have been telling me two different things for the past few months, and I finally took control of it all, even though it hurt someone else.. and of course myself, I had to do it because it was best for ME. I have to give myself a chance, my thoughts a chance, find out who I am as an individual person. It isnt an easy move, to hurt someone, but it is something that needed to be said and done to not prolong the pain.
I have taken a leap of faith.. one that I pray everyday will grow me more in God and to see what his will is for me. Some might say I made the biggest mistake of my life, but never have I trusted in God so much to do what is right for me. Its hard, its lonely, and is painful. But having a smile back on my face says a lot.
Lets see what the world has for me... im ready :)