Friday, August 29, 2008
My Support Group
Its weird.. its all coming to an end. I knew it was happening, and I knew it was happening fast, but it really is here, its all over. 2 more days and I leave... I leave my life I have been living for the past 3 years. My friends... I cant even imagine life without them.. the nights of endless laughter, the days of stress and tears... all of it, and they were there always..Amanda and Marlena... how am I going to live without you girls. Tonight we ALL went out to dinner.. My family, Marlena's family and Amanda's family.. we went to a restaurant that accommodated all of our needs.. yummy food.. PLENTY of space for the 25+ people eating and of course the amazing site of the shores. Memories shared, laughter spread and new friends were made within families, it was a great night. We had a mini gift exchange between the three of us, we wanted to be able to actually enjoy opening our presents without the rush and pressure at Graduation, so we did that tonight too. It was such a fun night.. here are a bunch of pictures to capture the moments...

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Boxes. Boxes and More Boxes

With the countdown down to 7 days untill family arrives, 10 days untill Graduation and 11 till the cars are gassed up for my last road trip down the 101 to move back home, I started packing. I have about 10 boxes done including items such as: Kitchen items, toiletries, random books, old assignments, a million and one slides and 4x5 film from the first year at brooks and of course a million and one pictures. I discovered I was a pack rat.. I have a MILLION things I remember buying saying to myself at the time "I need this" or "Ill use this" but no.. never touched it.. good thing the bulk of it was either dollar bin finds at target or random nicknack's from our golf land and arcade ticket winnings. Lying in my bed, at this very moment, I look around my room and it looks untouched.. sad isnt it. I haven't even touched my closet.. im afraid to go in there. I know there is a million and one things that I haven't worn in the entire time I have been here at school, but once again will pack it in the keep box instead of into the one labeled with pink duct tape SELL!! You would think that living in such a small space would limit your spending and what you own, but no, it didn't stop me. I found pom poms, sequence handbags, every possible selling item from Bath and Body works, binders and page dividers, sleeves and a shelves worth of paper from Calumet. I always though I had run out of paper and ran out in a frantic to buy more... instead of checking under the couch or on the side of my dresser, I would not only spend more money on gas, but on another box of $50 paper, that a week from now I would also think was lost.
Even with all the stress of packing, making sure you've got it all, I have actually enjoyed it all. All the assignments I crammed up in the corner of my closet so I could get the horrible memory out of my head forever, was a BLAST to scan through again and realize all I have accomplished. It feels good to graduate.. it feels productive to pack.. it even feels more amazing to know Ill be back in San Jose in just a little over a week!!
Even with all the stress of packing, making sure you've got it all, I have actually enjoyed it all. All the assignments I crammed up in the corner of my closet so I could get the horrible memory out of my head forever, was a BLAST to scan through again and realize all I have accomplished. It feels good to graduate.. it feels productive to pack.. it even feels more amazing to know Ill be back in San Jose in just a little over a week!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Mr. & Mrs. Yoder
They did it.. they tied the knot, and it was the most beautiful wedding at that. Set in the hillside of Gilroy, Ca.. we gathered at the Guglielmo Winery. Surviving the heat, Kendall and Dusty shared their vows, prayed for eachother and kissed as husband and wife!!! When the reception started we ate amazing food and danced the night away... and I mean we danced the night away. With the live band singing the most diverse selection I have ever heard at a wedding: ACDC, Journey, The Hit Crew, Kool & The Gang to Frank Sinatra and Conga was amazing.
Here are some pictures of the night!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
"Catch a game when you know your at GSN"... those lyrics have been on repeat mode in my brain the past few days. First step to recovery: Admitting a problem... Hi my name is Tina, and im a GSNaholic. Thats right, im completely and utterly addicted to Game Show Network. When I was younger.. a lot younger, my Great-Grandpa and I would watch game shows all the time.. I found the GSN channel a while ago but never was as addicted as I am now. Family Fued, Card Sharks, Lingo, Chain Reaction, Password Plus, Pyramid and best of all Lets Make a Deal.. they get my every time. I catch myself telling danny.. "This is the last show.. just let me finish the 30 minuets..I promise" but then another amazing show comes on. I have a problem. Im like the 90yr old caught in the 20yr old body. I seriously believe that this is the one thing that brings me closer to my Papaw. He passed away a few years ago and I know he would want me to watch these shows for him... although im pretty sure in heaven hes playing them instead of watching them on a 15'' mini screen with a fuzzy cable connection!! The addiction developed a while ago im sure started taking a toll on my life a few days. I came back from San Jose and Danny came home with me.. not knowing that I have had the GSN channel here I FLIPPED out when I walked into the room and found him watching Lingo.. thats when the problems surfaced.
We all have addictions, we only know that word as a bad thing that taken over our lives: alcohol, drugs, gambling but there are millions more that can bring joy to your life. The difference is.. when people don't want to be around you or associate with you, thats when your addiction had become a problem..I feel that yes my few addictions may be annoying at times because I do become a little obsessive over them, but that is who I am.
gotta go... Bingo America calls :)
We all have addictions, we only know that word as a bad thing that taken over our lives: alcohol, drugs, gambling but there are millions more that can bring joy to your life. The difference is.. when people don't want to be around you or associate with you, thats when your addiction had become a problem..I feel that yes my few addictions may be annoying at times because I do become a little obsessive over them, but that is who I am.
gotta go... Bingo America calls :)
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